500ml Be Green - Compost Maker for Grass | Compost Accelerator
Be Green's Compost Maker for Grass 500ml. Specifically created for rapid composting of grass into a high quality compost.
Mix with woodchips or similar materials with very fine waste to increase aeration.
✔ Compost ready for use after ten weeks of rotting.
✔ Suitable for use in all types of compost bins.
✔ Makes Up to 50 Applications
Introducing the Be Green Compost Maker for Grass, a specially designed solution that facilitates the speedy composting of grass into superior quality compost. With just 10ml of Compost Maker mixed with a full watering-can, you can treat up to one-and-a-half bin bags of waste. The compost becomes ready for use after a period of ten weeks of natural decomposition. Furthermore, this innovative product can also be used to rejuvenate partially-composted or dead heaps. Additionally, it is suitable for all types of compost bins.
Brand | BeGreen |
Approx. Delivery Time | 3-5 Days |
Height (CM) | 11 |
Width (CM) | 16 |
Depth (CM) | 21 |
Size (ml) | 500 |