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Three signs you’ve got unwanted pests in your home

Three signs you’ve got unwanted pests in your home

Three signs you’ve got unwanted pests in your home

Top Signs to look out for


  1. Droppings
  2. Scratches, tracks and other marks
  3. Noises and smells

Pests can be problematic when they venture inside our homes. A large influx of creatures will be obvious, but it’s best to learn to spot the signs of a small infestation so you can crack down on the issue before it jeopardises your health or property..

If you’re not sure what you should be looking out for, here are three signs you’ve got unwanted pests in your home.


Pest droppings are perhaps one of the most obvious indicators of critters beginning to share your home, so long as you know how to identify them. They can be easily mistaken for other things at first if they’re not accompanied by other signs.

Droppings tend to look like small pieces of dirt, and it’s usually the location they’re found in that helps us to identify them – while you may find dirt near entrances to your home, droppings can occur all over the house and are often found in unfrequented areas such as behind furniture or in cupboards.


Scratches, tracks and other marks

Unfortunately for homeowners, pests can cause a lot of damage. For example, many of us have experienced the holes left in clothes by moths and in furniture by woodworm beetles. You may also spot scratches on furniture that have been left by bigger animals such as mice or rats.

Similarly, you’ll want to be on the lookout for animal tracks and other signs that a pest has been scurrying around, like grease marks from small insects or footprints from larger mammals.


Noises and smells

Unusual noises and odours are commonly experienced with a pest infestation. You may hear scratching and scuttling sounds, indicative of rodents being present, or the rustling of smaller insects like cockroaches and termites. 

Many pests also give off certain smells. In fact, this can be a really useful way of identifying the species that might be present in your home. For example, bed bugs are known for having a musky, sweet smell, while cockroaches are often described as smelling ‘oily’. Similarly, mice and rats can be recognised by their distinct smell of ammonia.

How can you keep pests out of your home?

It can be tough to eliminate a pest infestation. For this reason, most people try to prevent animals and insects from entering their homes in the first place.

Start by sealing any cracks or holes through which pests could enter your home, such as gaps in floorboards and doorways, or windows that don’t shut properly. It doesn’t take long for pests to seek out an entrance to your home, particularly if they pick up on the scent of food nearby – so be sure to dispose of perishable items immediately after use to avoid tempting animals and insects into your home.

Remember to keep on top of the cleaning to avoid mould growth which could attract insects – you’ll need to keep your house dry to ensure your living areas don’t become too humid. Ultimately, your goal should be to make your home as uninhabitable as possible for common pests. If you’re struggling to keep any small creature at bay, be sure to reach out to an expert for advice on eliminating the infestation.

How to Stop Ants Infesting My Wormery


How to Stop Ants Infesting My Wormery: Organic Solutions for a Happy Worm Kingdom

Worms are fantastic little recyclers, turning your kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost. But what happens when tiny intruders, like ants, decide to join the party in your wormery? Don't despair! Here are some organic solutions to keep your wormery ant-free and your worm pals happy.

Preventing Ant Infestations.

Moisture Matters | Don't let your worms dry out

Ants prefer dry conditions. Adjust the moisture level in your wormery by adding damp cardboard or shredded newspaper if it's too dry. This creates an environment less appealing to ants while remaining perfect for worms.

Vaseline Barrier | Medieval Ant Moats

Create an ant moat! Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly, like Vaseline, around the legs or base of your wormery. This slippery barrier disrupts the ants' path, making it difficult for them to climb in.

Spicy Repellent | Heat things up in your Hot composter

Sprinkle a light layer of cayenne pepper or cinnamon around the top of your wormery bedding. These natural deterrents won't harm your worms but can discourage ants from exploring further.

The Power of Diatomaceous Earth (DE) | Dry out pesky insects

This all-natural powder made from fossilized algae is a desiccant that dries out insects. Apply a thin layer of DE around the wormery and on ant trails leading to it. Important note: Ensure you get food-grade DE for safety.


Keeping Your Garden Ant-Free.

Eliminate Ant Attractants | Keep your picnics safe

Clean up spills and fallen fruit around your wormery location. Store food scraps in sealed containers indoors to avoid attracting ants in the first place.

Encourage Natural Predators | Nothing more organic than Mother Nature 

Attract beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings to your garden. These natural predators love to munch on ants, keeping their populations in check.


Plant Power | Naturally repel pests

Certain plants can repel ants. Try planting mint, catnip, or lavender around your wormery to create a natural ant barrier.


By implementing these organic solutions, you can create a happy and healthy wormery environment for your hardworking decomposers, while keeping those pesky ants at bay!

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