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Beat the Heat: Top Tips for Thriving Gardens in Summer Sizzle


Top Tips for Thriving Gardens in Summer Sizzle

  • Watering Wisdom

  • Mulch Magic

  • Planting Power

  • Beat the Midday Heat

Summer sunshine brings vibrant blooms and bountiful harvests, but scorching temperatures can also stress your precious plants. Fear not, fellow green thumbs! By implementing a few strategic adjustments, your garden can flourish even in the hottest months.

Watering Wisdom

Water is life, especially during a heatwave. Here's how to ensure your plants stay hydrated:

Deep Soaking is Key:

Ditch the daily spray. Instead, water thoroughly 2-3 times a week, reaching deep into the root zone. This encourages roots to grow deeper, making plants more resilient to drought.

Early Bird Gets the Water:

Water in the cool mornings or evenings to minimise evaporation. Avoid mid-day watering, as the sun can scorch leaves. There is some debate over this old wives tale, but it's not worth the risk if you can avoid it. 

Know Your Plants:

Different plants have varying water needs. Sun-loving vegetables like tomatoes and peppers require more frequent watering than shade-tolerant ferns or hostas.

Mulch Magic

Mulch is your garden's superhero in hot weather. A 2-4 inch layer of organic mulch, like wood chips or shredded bark, offers a wealth of benefits:

Moisture Retention:

Mulch acts like a blanket, suppressing soil evaporation and keeping precious moisture locked in.

Temperature Regulation:

Mulch insulates the soil, keeping it cool and preventing scorching.

Weed Suppression:

It discourages pesky weeds that compete with your plants for water and nutrients.

Planting Power

Make smart choices when planting during the summer heat:

Heat-Loving Heroes:

Opt for plants known to thrive in hot weather, like ornamental grasses, lavender, zinnias, and marigolds.

Shade Seekers:

Group heat-sensitive plants together for mutual shade and consider adding shade covers during peak sun hours.

Succession Planting:

Plant cool-season crops like lettuce and spinach in succession for a continuous harvest throughout the summer.

Beat the Heat for Yourself

Gardening under the summer sun requires you to stay cool and hydrated as well:

Hydration Hero:

Drink plenty of water throughout the day, even if you don't feel thirsty.

Sun Safety Savvy:

Wear protective clothing, including a hat, sunglasses, and long sleeves to shield yourself from UV rays.

Schedule Strategically:

Tackle the most demanding gardening tasks during cooler morning or evening hours. Take breaks in shaded areas to avoid overexertion.

Bonus Tips

Group Plants Wisely:

Strategically position plants to maximise shade. Taller plants can provide shade for heat-sensitive ones.

Container Care:

Container plants dry out faster than those in the ground. Check them daily and water as needed.

Harvest Regularly:

Picking ripe fruits and vegetables encourages continued growth and prevents them from rotting on the vine in the heat.

By following these tips, you can create a thriving summer oasis, no matter how hot it gets. Remember, a little planning and care go a long way in ensuring your garden flourishes throughout the entire season. So, grab your hat, water your plants, and enjoy the beauty of your summer garden!

All You Need To Know About Worm Composting

[caption id="attachment_287" align="alignleft" width="1000"]Wormeries in Many Colours Wormeries in Many Colours![/caption]



What is a wormery?
A ‘worm composter’ or ‘wormery’ usually consists of at least two compartments, namely a lower collection sump for the liquid and an upper composting area where the kitchen waste goes in and the worms actively work. However, single compartment wormeries can be also used.
The worms used for worm composting are known by various names; brandling, manure, red or tiger worms. These include the species Eisenia foetida, E. andreii and Dendrabaena veneta. Composting 'tiger' worms live in decaying organic matter, whereas earthworms are soil dwellers. They are smaller and darker red than the common earthworm (lumbricus terrestris), which is unsuitable for using in worm composting.

Starting a wormery
A wormery is relatively easy to establish, although a few points need to be considered.

Conditions required
Worms are most active in warm moist conditions, ideally between 18-25ºC (64-77ºF).
Their activity noticeably declines below 10ºC (50ºF) and above 30ºC (86ºF).
A wormery should be kept in a shed or a sheltered area of the garden where it gets neither too cold in the winter nor too hot in the summer.
If thinking about keeping wormeries in the kitchen, utility room or on the balcony, consider that when neglected they can sometimes produce odours.
Composting worms prefer a pH of between 6.5-7.0, and well-ventilated conditions to live in.
They will not tolerate extreme acidity and dislike being waterlogged because this restricts their supply of air.

Using your wormery

  1. In the bottom, place an 8cm (3¼in) layer of moist ‘bedding material’ such as old compost or coir if it is provided by the supplier. This creates a humid layer in which the worms can burrow and begin to digest their food.

  2. Now add the composting worms.

  3. Cover with no more than 8-10cm (3¼-4in) layer of kitchen waste and leave for about one week to allow the worms time to settle into their new environment.

Feeding the worms (adding waste)
For best results, add small amounts of waste often to the wormery.
Chop the waste into smaller pieces so it can be eaten faster.
Place the food on the top of the compost.
Alternatively, bury the food within the compost to create feeding pockets.
If the waste is not being eaten, feeding should be stopped for a few days until the worms start to work through the top layer of the composting material.
Avoid adding more waste than the worms can cope with.

What to compost
Worms enjoy a varied diet eating any decaying organic matter.
You can put in;

  • Any raw vegetables, except for onions, shallots, leeks and garlic that are best used in small amounts or cooked first

  • Any cooked vegetables

  • All fruit, except citrus peel, which needs to be limited or preferably cooked before adding

  • Tea bags, eggshells, coffee grounds and small amounts of bread

  • Limited amounts of newspaper, shredded office paper and cardboard, but not glossy magazines

  • Small amounts of garden waste such as annual weeds, leaves and other soft green material

Remember: Fruit and vegetable scraps that contain seeds can be included but the seeds may germinate in the wormery.

What to avoid

  • Dairy products, fat, grease, meat, fish and bones as these are likely to attract unwanted pests and flies.

  • Larger quantities of tough leaves and woodier material as it will slow the system down.

If there is a lot of garden waste, which could overload the wormery, it is often best to have an ordinary compost heap as well.

Organic waste usually has a high moisture content. If the lid is kept on, dry conditions are unlikely to occur. Add water only if the wormery appears dry.
An established wormery can be left without the addition of food for up to four weeks. However, the liquid may accumulate which needs to be drained off to avoid waterlogging.
Occasionally fork the compost over gently with a hand fork to check that the worms are present and healthy.

Ways to increase the rate of composting
Aim to provide and maintain the desired temperature especially during the winter months.
Add extra worms (see below for suppliers) to the existing population.
Avoid overloading the wormery with waste.
Wormeries with a greater surface area will also work faster.
Use worm compost and liquid.

Emptying the wormery
Wormeries are usually emptied when they are full; this takes about 8 to 12 months. You must separate the worms before using the compost.
The worms tend to congregate in the area just below the top layer of food waste. Simply remove the top 20cm (8in) layer and use it to restart the wormery again.

Alternatively, if the weather is warm and dry, spread the contents of the wormery thinly over a polythene sheet. Cover the centre of the compost with layer of wet newspaper. As the compost dries, the worms will move towards the cool, moist compost under the newspaper from where they can be collected. Once emptied and the worms separated, the wormery can be filled with a new layer of bedding, the worms returned.

Many wormeries use stacking trays for the worms to work up through. The finished compost is in the bottom tray and can be removed. The tray is then emptied and returned to the top of the stack. This makes sorting the worms unnecessary.

Worm compost and liquid – how to use
The worm compost can be used as a general soil conditioner or as a constituent of homemade growing media. It is generally rich in nitrogen and potassium.
The liquid drained from wormeries can be used as a liquid fertiliser on garden plants after diluting with water at a rate of 1 part liquid to 10 parts water. Its nutrient composition will vary.

Some wastes have strong odours, which can attract flies (termed fruit flies) that are harmless, but can be a nuisance. This problem can be avoided by burying the new waste in the decomposed material or covering it with a layer of damp newspaper. Do not use chemicals to control the flies as it could harm the worms.

If too much waste is added for the worms to cope with then the wormery may start to smell. This could also attract flies and possibly vermin. Remove and dispose of excess or undigested food. Wait until the worms start digesting the top layer of food before adding further waste. Another reason for the wormery producing unpleasant odour is if it becomes too wet.

Drain off excess liquid and add some shredded paper or card to absorb excess moisture and increase air circulation. Check if the worms are alive. Dead worms can be a problem especially when left unattended e.g. during holiday breaks. Make sure that the wormery has drainage holes.

If you improve drainage but the smell persists, the conditions may have become slightly too acid for the worms. To correct this, apply a small dressing of calcified seaweed or calcium carbonate (garden lime, ground chalk or ground limestone).

Original Organics are leading suppliers of Wormeries in the UK. In fact, we invented the word 'Wormery'!

You can purchase your Wormery right here at Original Organics.  Just choose a colour!
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