Tagged with 'wormery'

How to Stop Ants Infesting My Wormery


How to Stop Ants Infesting My Wormery: Organic Solutions for a Happy Worm Kingdom

Worms are fantastic little recyclers, turning your kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost. But what happens when tiny intruders, like ants, decide to join the party in your wormery? Don't despair! Here are some organic solutions to keep your wormery ant-free and your worm pals happy.

Preventing Ant Infestations.

Moisture Matters | Don't let your worms dry out

Ants prefer dry conditions. Adjust the moisture level in your wormery by adding damp cardboard or shredded newspaper if it's too dry. This creates an environment less appealing to ants while remaining perfect for worms.

Vaseline Barrier | Medieval Ant Moats

Create an ant moat! Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly, like Vaseline, around the legs or base of your wormery. This slippery barrier disrupts the ants' path, making it difficult for them to climb in.

Spicy Repellent | Heat things up in your Hot composter

Sprinkle a light layer of cayenne pepper or cinnamon around the top of your wormery bedding. These natural deterrents won't harm your worms but can discourage ants from exploring further.

The Power of Diatomaceous Earth (DE) | Dry out pesky insects

This all-natural powder made from fossilized algae is a desiccant that dries out insects. Apply a thin layer of DE around the wormery and on ant trails leading to it. Important note: Ensure you get food-grade DE for safety.


Keeping Your Garden Ant-Free.

Eliminate Ant Attractants | Keep your picnics safe

Clean up spills and fallen fruit around your wormery location. Store food scraps in sealed containers indoors to avoid attracting ants in the first place.

Encourage Natural Predators | Nothing more organic than Mother Nature 

Attract beneficial insects like ladybugs and lacewings to your garden. These natural predators love to munch on ants, keeping their populations in check.


Plant Power | Naturally repel pests

Certain plants can repel ants. Try planting mint, catnip, or lavender around your wormery to create a natural ant barrier.


By implementing these organic solutions, you can create a happy and healthy wormery environment for your hardworking decomposers, while keeping those pesky ants at bay!

Conquer the Seasons: Gardening Guide 2024


Conquer the Seasons: Your Month-by-Month Gardening Guide 2024

Your garden transforms throughout the year, each month offering unique opportunities to nurture and coax your green haven to life. This comprehensive guide equips you with monthly top tips to navigate the changing seasons, from cozy winter tasks to the triumphant arrival of spring and summer fun.

What months are best for Gardening?

All year round there is something to do in the garden. Spring and Autumn/Fall are your best planting periods. March - May & July - September. 

How do you spend time in your garden in winter?

  1. Bird feeders and Water Baths 
  2. Make a snow angel?
  3. Light up your patch with lanterns
  4. Add some colour
  5. Try a firepit for outdoor heating

 What grows all year round in UK?

Broccoli, Brussels, Sprouts, Cabbages, Kale, Leaks and Parsnips.

What's a winter garden?

Hardy plants that thrive in bitter cold will do well in a winter garden. If you're looking for a low-maintenance garden, this could be for you. Try Boxwood, Winterberry and Witch Hazel. Pair these with Garlic, Onions, Brussel Sprouts, Spinach and Leaks for a range of plants and vegetables. 

What plant grows fastest in winter?

  • Herbs - instant growth to 8 weeks
  • Baby Carrots - 4 to 8 weeks
  • Kale - 4 to 8 weeks
  • Tomatoes - 10 to 12 weeks
  • Lettuce - 6 to 14 weeks
  • Peas - 9 to 11 weeks


December: Snuggle Up, Garden Sleeps

  • Embrace the slumber: Don't fret about bare branches and quiet beds. This is nature's time for rest and replenishment.
  • Clear the stage: Rake fallen leaves to prevent disease and pests, but leave some piles for overwintering wildlife.
  • Compost crunch: Gather fallen leaves and kitchen scraps for rich homegrown fertiliser – your future garden will thank you.
  • Mulch matters: Protect vulnerable beds with a cozy layer of bark or straw, offering insulation against frost and a haven for beneficial insects.
  • Plan for spring: Seed catalogs become your winter companions. Browse and order your favorites for early sowing, letting dreams of vibrant blooms and juicy harvests fill the chilly days.
  • Insulate your taps: Avoid the freeze by protecting pipes and taps and turning off the mains supply.
  • Feeding Birds: Hang fat balls, and top up bird feeders. 


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Build Your Own Tiger Wormery Kit

January: Dreaming of Green Dreams

  • Potting party: Start seeds indoors for early blooms of pansies, violas, and lettuce. Imagine them gracing your doorstep as winter loosens its grip.
  • Prune with purpose: While trees and shrubs slumber, it's the perfect time to shape them. Remove deadwood and overgrown branches for a neater, healthier garden come spring.
  • Tool TLC: Give your trusty tools some love. Clean and sharpen them to avoid spring-time rust and ensure they're ready to tackle the season's tasks.
  • Soil secrets: Unravel the mysteries of your soil. Test its pH to ensure optimal nutrient levels for spring planting. Knowing your soil is like understanding your garden's language.
  • Planter prep: Refresh and clean containers for upcoming balcony beauties. Imagine vibrant herbs and cascading flowers adorning your outdoor space as the days become longer.
  • Feed the Birds: Keep bird feeders and water bowls topped up. Add fresh water and clear any ice.
  • Harvest your Winter Veg: Parsnips, Swede, Sprouts, Turnips and Leaks.


February: Seeds of Hope

  • Sow indoors: Continue the indoor seed party! Peppers, tomatoes, and herbs eagerly await their turn to bring life to your garden.
  • Force some bulbs: Bring a touch of magic indoors. Narcissus, hyacinths, or paperwhites will reward you with fragrant, early blooms, chasing away winter's blues.
  • Tidy up beds: Remove any lingering debris and top-dress with fresh compost. Prepare the stage for your spring stars to shine.
  • Prepare for planting: Start chitting potatoes for an early harvest – the race to the first homegrown spud is on!
  • Build anticipation: Research new plant varieties and garden layouts. Let your imagination paint vibrant pictures of your future summer oasis.



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March: Spring Awakens

  • Seedling shuffle: Harden off your indoor seedlings – gradually expose them to outdoor temperatures, preparing them for their grand entrance into the garden.
  • Planting power: As the soil warms, sow hardy vegetables like spinach, radishes, and peas directly outdoors. Witness the magic of life bursting forth from tiny seeds.
  • Prune with precision: Cut back deadwood and overgrown branches from shrubs and trees. Give them a fresh start for the new season.
  • Weed warrior: Early weeds steal resources from your precious plants. Nip them in the bud to prevent them from taking over.
  • Welcome butterflies: Plant nectar-rich flowers like lavender and butterfly bush. Attract these fluttering friends and add a touch of whimsy to your garden.


April: Green Glory Explodes

  • Planting frenzy: It's a symphony of sowing! Direct sow a wide range of vegetables, herbs, and flowers outdoors. Let your garden become a canvas of vibrant colors and delicious possibilities.
  • Divide and conquer: Split perennials that have become overcrowded. Share the bounty with friends or expand your own floral horizons.
  • Mulch madness: Apply a fresh layer of mulch. It's a garden hero, conserving moisture, suppressing weeds, and keeping the soil cool.
  • Watering wisdom: Deeply water new plantings and seedlings, especially during dry spells. Give them a helping hand as they establish themselves in their new home.
  • Enjoy the bounty: Start harvesting early greens and salad leaves. Savor the taste of fresh, homegrown goodness – the reward for your dedication.


May: Garden Grandeur

  • Deadhead delights: Remove spent flowers to prolong blooming and encourage new buds. Your garden will be a vibrant tapestry of colour all summer long.
  • Support squad: Install stakes or trellises for climbing vegetables and tall flowers. Give them the guidance they need to reach their full potential.
  • Compost calling: Keep that compost heap going! Add kitchen scraps, grass clippings, and spent plants to create nutrient-rich gold for your future crops.


June: Sun-Kissed Harvest

  • Weed warfare: Stay vigilant against weeds. They're relentless competitors for your precious resources. Regular weeding ensures your plants thrive.
  • Watering wisdom: Monitor soil moisture, especially during hot spells. Deeply water established plants to encourage strong root growth.
  • Pickling paradise: June is prime time for preserving! Pickle cucumbers, relish juicy tomatoes, and jam summer berries. Capture the season's bounty for winter enjoyment.
  • Pinch and prune: Continue pinching herbs and deadheading flowers for continuous blooms and harvests. Your garden will be a never-ending buffet for pollinators and you.


July: Summer Symphony

  • Weed warfare: Stay vigilant against weeds. They're relentless competitors for your precious resources. Regular weeding ensures your plants thrive.
  • Watering wisdom: Monitor soil moisture, especially during hot spells. Deeply water established plants to encourage strong root growth.
  • Pickling paradise: June is prime time for preserving! Pickle cucumbers, relish juicy tomatoes, and jam summer berries. Capture the season's bounty for winter enjoyment.
  • Pinch and prune: Continue pinching herbs and deadheading flowers for continuous blooms and harvests. Your garden will be a never-ending buffet for pollinators and you.


August: Bounty Bonanza

  • Harvest galore: Enjoy the peak of the summer harvest! Pick juicy tomatoes, crunchy cucumbers, and plump berries. Share the bounty with friends and family, or preserve the goodness for winter.
  • Divide and conquer: Split perennials that have bloomed and are starting to spread. Share the extra plants with friends or expand your floral kingdom.
  • Plant for fall: Sow seeds for cool-season crops like kale, spinach, and lettuce. Get ready to extend your harvest into the cooler months.
  • Water wisely: Even with regular rain, monitor soil moisture for established plants, especially during dry spells. Deep watering encourages strong root growth and keeps them thriving.


September: Autumnal Abundance

  • Harvesting heroes: Continue harvesting summer crops and welcome the arrival of fall favorites like pumpkins, squashes, and apples. Savour the changing flavours of the season.
  • Planting for the future: Plant garlic and shallots for next year's harvest. These underground treasures will reward you with flavorful additions to your kitchen.
  • Bulb bonanza: Plant spring-blooming bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and crocuses. Imagine the vibrant burst of color they'll bring when winter loosens its grip.
  • Compost calling: Keep that compost heap going! Add fall leaves and spent plants to fuel your soil for next year's garden. Nature's recycling system at its finest.

October: Cozy Comfort

  • Leaf logic: Don't fear the falling leaves! Shred and compost them for nutrient-rich mulch, or leave them in piles for overwintering wildlife.
  • Prepare for winter: Insulate tender plants with straw or mulch to protect them from the first frosts. Help them weather the winter and emerge strong in spring.
  • Clean and store: Clean and store garden tools and equipment before winter sets in. A little TLC now will save you time and frustration come spring.
  • Bird bonanza: Attract feathered friends with feeders filled with sunflower seeds and suet. Witness the flurry of activity and enjoy the winter songbirds' cheerful melodies.


November: Rest and Rejuvenate

  • Prune with purpose: While trees and shrubs rest, it's the perfect time to prune them for next year's growth. Remove deadwood and overgrown branches for a neater, healthier garden.
  • Compost Heroes: Collect those fallen leaves, excess damp tree droppings and build out your composter ready to mulch over the winter months.
  • Plan for perfection: Take time to reflect on the past year's successes and challenges. Use this knowledge to plan your dream garden for next season.
  • Seed dreams: Browse seed catalogs and order your favorites for early sowing indoors. Let your imagination bloom with the promise of spring.
  • Cozy contentment: Enjoy the quiet beauty of your winter garden. Bundle up, grab a hot drink, and watch the snowflakes fall. Nature's rest is a reminder of the vibrant life that will return in the spring.


This monthly guide is your roadmap to a thriving garden throughout the year. Remember, gardening is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the changing seasons.


Wormery vs. Compost Bin: Which is best for Gardeners?


Wormery vs. Compost Bin: Unraveling the Debate for Eco-Conscious Gardeners

In the realm of eco-friendly gardening practices, composting stands as a beacon of sustainability. But amidst the array of composting methods, two stand out as the frontrunners: wormeries and traditional compost bins. While both aim to transform organic waste into nutrient-rich soil amendments, they differ in their processes, outcomes, and suitability for various gardening scenarios.

Is a hot composter faster than worms?

Due to the increased heat allowed in a hot composter and without the need to keep worms alive at lower temperatures, a hot composter can be faster to decompose waste. 

What composter is best for dog poo?

Both will give you liquid you can dilute and feed to pot plants. Compost bins are good for creating soil you can use in the garden; worm farms can be used for cat and dog poo.

Is worm composting smelly?

Expect a good, earthy smell. It shouldn't smell much different than rich garden soil. You might expect worm waste to smell, but it simply isn't the case.

What are the top mistakes of having a worm farm?

  1. Mistake #1: Overfeeding
  2. Mistake #2: Too Wet or Too Dry Composting Bedding
  3. Mistake #3: Wrong Food
  4. Mistake #4: Too Hot or Too Cold
  5. Mistake #5: Forget to Harvest Worm Castings

How often do worms breed?

27 days from mating to laying eggs. Worms can double in population every 60 days.

Key differences of hot composters and wormeries?

  • Due to worms’ highly specialized digestive process, their waste contains bacteria and enzymes not present in compost. This is a more concentrated product of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
  • Worms can specialise in nutrients: 
    • Bacterial-dominant castings and compost are best-suited for annuals and grasses
    • Fungal-dominated castings and compost provide the most value to perennials and woody plants (e.g., trees and vines).


Wormeries: A Microcosm of Nature's Recycling Magic

At the heart of a wormery lies an army of tiny red wiggler worms, tirelessly devouring food scraps and other organic matter. These tireless workers break down organic matter into a rich, fertile compost called vermicompost. Unlike traditional compost bins that rely on heat and oxygen, wormeries thrive in a moist, neutral pH environment, making them ideal for indoor use or for those with limited space.


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Build Your Own Tiger Wormery Kit

green 3 tier wormerygreen 3 tier wormery

Tiger Wormery Kit - Green

wormeries for salewormeries for sale

Tiger Wormeries

4 tier grey wormery4 tier grey wormery

4 Tier Grey Wormery

Benefits and Drawback of Wormeries.

Pros of Wormeries:

  • Compact and Space-Efficient: Wormeries are typically smaller and more manageable than traditional compost bins, making them suitable for apartment dwellers or those with limited outdoor space.
  • Faster Composting Cycle: Wormeries produce compost much quicker than traditional compost bins, often within a few months.
  • High-Quality Vermicompost: Vermicompost is considered to be of superior quality compared to traditional compost, containing higher levels of nutrients and beneficial microorganisms.
  • Less Odor: Wormeries generate minimal odor due to their controlled environment and the absence of odorous decomposition processes.

Cons of Wormeries:

  • More Demanding Maintenance: Wormeries require more frequent monitoring and adjustments to ensure optimal conditions for the worms.
  • Limited Waste Input: Wormeries can only process a certain amount of organic matter, making them unsuitable for large amounts of food scraps or yard waste.
  • More Sensitive to Environmental Factors: Wormeries are more susceptible to disruptions in temperature, moisture, and pH balance, which can affect worm activity and compost quality.

Traditional Compost Bins: A Versatile Composting Option

Traditional compost bins provide a larger and more versatile option for composting organic waste. They typically consist of open bins or tumblers, allowing for air circulation and natural decomposition by microorganisms. These bins can handle a wider range of organic materials, including yard waste, food scraps, and even some non-organic items like shredded paper.



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Easy  Tumbleweed 220L Compost Tumbler 

Benefits and Drawback of Composters

Pros of Traditional Compost Bins:

  • Handles Larger Volumes: Traditional compost bins can accommodate larger volumes of organic waste, making them suitable for households with more food scraps or yard waste.
  • Versatile Material Breakdown: Traditional compost bins can break down a wider range of organic materials, including yard waste, food scraps, and some non-organic items.
  • Less Maintenance: Traditional compost bins require less frequent monitoring and adjustments than wormeries.
  • Nourishes Beneficial Microorganisms: Traditional compost bins provide a habitat for beneficial microorganisms that play a crucial role in nutrient cycling.

Cons of Traditional Compost Bins:

  • Slower Composting Cycle: Traditional compost bins typically take longer to produce finished compost, often around 1-2 years.
  • Odour Emissions: During the composting process, traditional compost bins may emit some odor, especially in the initial stages.
  • Larger Footprint: Traditional compost bins occupy more space, making them less suitable for small gardens or limited outdoor areas.

Choosing what's best for you, worms or no worms?

The choice between a wormery and a traditional compost bin depends on individual needs and preferences. For those seeking a compact and space-saving solution with faster compost production and high-quality vermicompost, a wormery is an excellent choice. However, for those with larger quantities of organic waste, a traditional compost bin offers a more versatile and robust composting option. Ultimately, the best choice aligns with the individual's composting goals, available space, and lifestyle factors.

Whether you opt for a wormery or a traditional compost bin, both methods contribute to sustainable gardening practices, reducing household waste, and enriching soil health. By embracing these eco-friendly techniques, gardeners can foster a harmonious relationship with nature while cultivating thriving gardens.

All You Need To Know About Worm Composting

[caption id="attachment_287" align="alignleft" width="1000"]Wormeries in Many Colours Wormeries in Many Colours![/caption]



What is a wormery?
A ‘worm composter’ or ‘wormery’ usually consists of at least two compartments, namely a lower collection sump for the liquid and an upper composting area where the kitchen waste goes in and the worms actively work. However, single compartment wormeries can be also used.
The worms used for worm composting are known by various names; brandling, manure, red or tiger worms. These include the species Eisenia foetida, E. andreii and Dendrabaena veneta. Composting 'tiger' worms live in decaying organic matter, whereas earthworms are soil dwellers. They are smaller and darker red than the common earthworm (lumbricus terrestris), which is unsuitable for using in worm composting.

Starting a wormery
A wormery is relatively easy to establish, although a few points need to be considered.

Conditions required
Worms are most active in warm moist conditions, ideally between 18-25ºC (64-77ºF).
Their activity noticeably declines below 10ºC (50ºF) and above 30ºC (86ºF).
A wormery should be kept in a shed or a sheltered area of the garden where it gets neither too cold in the winter nor too hot in the summer.
If thinking about keeping wormeries in the kitchen, utility room or on the balcony, consider that when neglected they can sometimes produce odours.
Composting worms prefer a pH of between 6.5-7.0, and well-ventilated conditions to live in.
They will not tolerate extreme acidity and dislike being waterlogged because this restricts their supply of air.

Using your wormery

  1. In the bottom, place an 8cm (3¼in) layer of moist ‘bedding material’ such as old compost or coir if it is provided by the supplier. This creates a humid layer in which the worms can burrow and begin to digest their food.

  2. Now add the composting worms.

  3. Cover with no more than 8-10cm (3¼-4in) layer of kitchen waste and leave for about one week to allow the worms time to settle into their new environment.

Feeding the worms (adding waste)
For best results, add small amounts of waste often to the wormery.
Chop the waste into smaller pieces so it can be eaten faster.
Place the food on the top of the compost.
Alternatively, bury the food within the compost to create feeding pockets.
If the waste is not being eaten, feeding should be stopped for a few days until the worms start to work through the top layer of the composting material.
Avoid adding more waste than the worms can cope with.

What to compost
Worms enjoy a varied diet eating any decaying organic matter.
You can put in;

  • Any raw vegetables, except for onions, shallots, leeks and garlic that are best used in small amounts or cooked first

  • Any cooked vegetables

  • All fruit, except citrus peel, which needs to be limited or preferably cooked before adding

  • Tea bags, eggshells, coffee grounds and small amounts of bread

  • Limited amounts of newspaper, shredded office paper and cardboard, but not glossy magazines

  • Small amounts of garden waste such as annual weeds, leaves and other soft green material

Remember: Fruit and vegetable scraps that contain seeds can be included but the seeds may germinate in the wormery.

What to avoid

  • Dairy products, fat, grease, meat, fish and bones as these are likely to attract unwanted pests and flies.

  • Larger quantities of tough leaves and woodier material as it will slow the system down.

If there is a lot of garden waste, which could overload the wormery, it is often best to have an ordinary compost heap as well.

Organic waste usually has a high moisture content. If the lid is kept on, dry conditions are unlikely to occur. Add water only if the wormery appears dry.
An established wormery can be left without the addition of food for up to four weeks. However, the liquid may accumulate which needs to be drained off to avoid waterlogging.
Occasionally fork the compost over gently with a hand fork to check that the worms are present and healthy.

Ways to increase the rate of composting
Aim to provide and maintain the desired temperature especially during the winter months.
Add extra worms (see below for suppliers) to the existing population.
Avoid overloading the wormery with waste.
Wormeries with a greater surface area will also work faster.
Use worm compost and liquid.

Emptying the wormery
Wormeries are usually emptied when they are full; this takes about 8 to 12 months. You must separate the worms before using the compost.
The worms tend to congregate in the area just below the top layer of food waste. Simply remove the top 20cm (8in) layer and use it to restart the wormery again.

Alternatively, if the weather is warm and dry, spread the contents of the wormery thinly over a polythene sheet. Cover the centre of the compost with layer of wet newspaper. As the compost dries, the worms will move towards the cool, moist compost under the newspaper from where they can be collected. Once emptied and the worms separated, the wormery can be filled with a new layer of bedding, the worms returned.

Many wormeries use stacking trays for the worms to work up through. The finished compost is in the bottom tray and can be removed. The tray is then emptied and returned to the top of the stack. This makes sorting the worms unnecessary.

Worm compost and liquid – how to use
The worm compost can be used as a general soil conditioner or as a constituent of homemade growing media. It is generally rich in nitrogen and potassium.
The liquid drained from wormeries can be used as a liquid fertiliser on garden plants after diluting with water at a rate of 1 part liquid to 10 parts water. Its nutrient composition will vary.

Some wastes have strong odours, which can attract flies (termed fruit flies) that are harmless, but can be a nuisance. This problem can be avoided by burying the new waste in the decomposed material or covering it with a layer of damp newspaper. Do not use chemicals to control the flies as it could harm the worms.

If too much waste is added for the worms to cope with then the wormery may start to smell. This could also attract flies and possibly vermin. Remove and dispose of excess or undigested food. Wait until the worms start digesting the top layer of food before adding further waste. Another reason for the wormery producing unpleasant odour is if it becomes too wet.

Drain off excess liquid and add some shredded paper or card to absorb excess moisture and increase air circulation. Check if the worms are alive. Dead worms can be a problem especially when left unattended e.g. during holiday breaks. Make sure that the wormery has drainage holes.

If you improve drainage but the smell persists, the conditions may have become slightly too acid for the worms. To correct this, apply a small dressing of calcified seaweed or calcium carbonate (garden lime, ground chalk or ground limestone).

Original Organics are leading suppliers of Wormeries in the UK. In fact, we invented the word 'Wormery'!

You can purchase your Wormery right here at Original Organics.  Just choose a colour!
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